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Skylight Building

Located in Madrid’s thriving NeXt business district, Skylight Building is a prominent example of sustainable architecture.


Madrid, Spain


24,000 m²



A Workspace with a View

Creating a rejuvenating and highly productive atmosphere for users, this modern work environment seamlessly blends work and leisure spaces. Sustainable, inspiring office space is flooded with natural light, boasting panoramic views and a variety of amenities. The building’s seven flexible, column- free floors offer spacious outdoor terraces, including a communal garden and the Skylight Plaza.

Skylight Building
Photography: Bernat Bonaventura

Deerns Solutions

Conceived for LEED and WELL Platinum certification, Deerns leveraged its expertise and commitment to high environmental standards to manage the Skylight Building project, playing a pivotal role in achieving remarkable energy efficiency, sourcing 100% renewable energy, reducing embodied carbon by 6,000 tonnes, enhancing air quality, promoting eco-friendly transportation, optimising natural light, conserving water and aspiring to net-zero carbon emissions. This collective effort underscores an unwavering commitment to ecological responsibility. Skylight Building is a remarkable sustainable design showcase.

Skylight Building
Photography: Bernat Bonaventura
Skylight Building
Photography: Bernat Bonaventura
Skylight Building
Photography: Bernat Bonaventura

Scope of Deerns

Let’s Talk

Hareld van den Brink

Commercial Director
