Data Centres

Short time-to-market

With the demand for and reliance on data rapidly increasing around the world, any new build, renovated or extended data centre needs to be up and running as soon as possible. Standardisation of data centre design is key to realising a short time-to-market, but that design will always need to be tailored to the local conditions, rules and regulations of its planned location. The two-fold benefit is enabling design and operational optimisations to be found, as well as reducing risks for the critical path and future operations by taking local factors into account, such as power availability, climate conditions and risk profiles.

ML5 Data Centre, Milan
Here’s where your data is on – 24/7

ML5 is a state-of-the-art data centre with 6MW of IT power, developed by global digital infrastructure company Equinix. ML5 is part of the rich ecosystem of data centres in and around Caldera Park, the Technological Campus of Via Caldera in Milan. Deerns was selected to support the MEP-design of the project, as well as conducting site supervision, operating as commissioning manager, and supporting the construction in order to create a LEED-rating. ML5 is now the most well-connected location in Milan with virtual connections to the largest cloud providers.

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Let’s talk

Colin Wyatt

Sector Director Data Centres
