The fast pace of innovation, miniaturisation and amalgamation of technologies creates increasing demands for clean facilities. The processes, protocols and procedures always need to be at the centre of the design of any clean facility, whether they are new builds, renovations or expansions of existing facilities, whilst maintaining continuity, operational efficiency, safety and compliance. The technical installations are essential to ensure that buildings, utilities, systems and infrastructure facilitate all aspects of processes and operations, and comply with ever more stringent specifications, levels of contamination control and regulations.

Wafer Fab II
Here’s where next gen wafers multiply and keep your world moving
Global demand for chips that power our society – from smart phones to laptops, electric cars and aircrafts – is increasing significantly. One of the world’s six largest silicon wafer manufacturers, plans to realise a new, state-of-the art 300mm EPI wafer production facility. Before project take-off Deerns conducted a feasibility study for the new production line, including a budget estimate while translating every detail of the requirements into a state-of-the-art building with optimised logistics. Indeed this integrated outline ensures that project execution enables time-to-market requirements, thereby eliminating the current shortage of chips for electronic devices.